Retrofitting Suburbia

June Williamson
Wednesday, October 7th
KN 190

June Williamson will speak about her new book Retrofittng Suburbia: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Sububs on Wednesday, October 7th at 10:30am in Knowlton Hall. While there has been considerable attention by practitioners and academics to development in urban cores and new neighborhoods on the periphery of cities, there has been little attention to the redesign and redevelopment of existing suburbs. Willaimson will share advice for architects, planners, urban designers, and developers on how existing suburbs can be redesigned and redeveloped. Williamson will show how development in existing suburbs can absorb new growth and evolve in relation to changed demographic, technological, and economic conditions. June Williamson is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the City College of New York. She holds a Master's in Urban Planning from City College of New York, a Master's of Architecture from MIT and a Bachelor's of Architecture from Yale.

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