About your Program Coordinator

After posting a little bit about many of you, I thought you might like to learn more about your program coordinator. (By the way, if you aren't profiled on the blog and want to be, let me know; I need your permission to post.)

I'm Angi (and just so you know, you should call me by my first name). I've worked at Ohio State for six years. Most of that time has been spent in various roles in the Knowlton School of Architecture, but I've also worked in the Undergraduate Admissions office. Both my undergraduate and graduate degrees are also from Ohio State, in landscape architecture and city and regional planning, respectively.

My specific role is to advise and coordinate programming for Honors and Scholars-level students in the KSA. I like this role because it combines my interest in architecture, landscape architecture, and planning with my interest and work experience in higher education. It's a winning combination all around!

I love to travel, and I'm always looking to plan a trip or travel to a new destination. (Luckily, this love of traveling also ties into my job. I'm really looking forward to the Istanbul study abroad program as well as the Boston trip in May 2010.)

I also enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities, including running, hiking, rowing, and pretty much anything else that involves being outside.

Want to know more? Post a question or comment here, and I'll follow-up.

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