Adopt-A-School Volunteer Opportunity

Earn some volunteer hours: Sign up for Hilliard CARES!

Do you like elementary kids? Do you want to help make a difference? Become a tutor with Adopt-a-School’s Hilliard C.A.R.E.S. program! OSU students work on building literacy skills with at risk k-5th graders and have fun in the process! Adopt-a-School’s Hilliard C.A.R.E.S. (Community Academic Review and Enrichment Saturdays) tutoring is a joint partnership between the Hilliard City Schools and the students and advisors from Adopt-a-School and Honors & Scholars. Tutoring takes place on select Saturday mornings from January-May.

You can become a literacy tutor for elementary school children and make a big difference for them and their futures.

You can find out more about the program and complete the brief application online at:

Applications are due TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st!

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