All-Scholars Ice Skating Reminder

Who: All Scholars students from the 14 different programs!!

Date: Thursday, February, 25th

Time: CABS buses that say "SCHOLARS" will start at 9:30pm and will continuously shuttle between the Blackburn and Mack bus stops and downtown.

Ice skating from 9:40pm-11:40pm

Where: Nationwide Arena Dispatch Ice Haus, Arena District, 200 W. Nationwide Blvd.

Free Pizza & Ice Skate Rental

I'll be there, and I hope to see you too!

English 110.01 Reminder

Reminder! Please let me know if you'd like to enroll in the Architecture Scholars section of English 110.01 no later than Friday, February 26. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and as of today, there are five open seats remaining in this section. The course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30-3:18pm. (This time does not conflict with Physics 111 or 112, or Math 117.)

Read the original post about this here.

If you wish to enroll in an alternative section of English 110.01 due to your personal desires or a conflict, you may schedule another section on your own.

Take Action

Apply to be an overnight host (application due Feb. 15)

Apply to be a Scholars Ambassador (application due Feb. 15)

RSVP for the Feb. 20 Snow Tubing trip (RSVP by Feb. 16 at Noon), I need a committment from at least 20 students in order to make this happen

Apply for the Boston trip (application due Feb. 19)

Attend the upcoming Sketching Workshops (KN 175, Feb. 12&19) - no RSVP required, just show up

Iceland Study Abroad

Join ENR Scholars for a Study Abroad program to Iceland at the end of Spring quarter. The initial application deadline has been extended and all interested Scholars students are invited to apply.

Click here to view program details and costs.

If you are interested, contact me or Kelly Koren. (Kelly's info is on program information sheet above.)

SERVitecture Updates

A message from Katie O'Lone, SERVitecture President...

Sensory Experience Design Competition: Monday, February 8th our projects will be on display and presented from 12:00 to 1:30 in the Main Space, with invited members of the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Projects will be on display throughout the day, you should stop by and check them out! Didn't get your entry in? If you have that moment of inspiration, we will still accept any late comers right up until noon on Monday.

Brookside Charrette: We had a charrette last weekend for conceptual design for the longhouse shelter. Soon we will be proceeding into the next step of finalizing our design. If you are interested in helping with the design development email

IT'S A FLOP! That's right, Winter Quarter FLOP! 2k10 is right around the corner and will be after studio at 5:30 on Friday, February 19th! Be there to relax and enjoy free food and fun with SERVitecture

ELECTIONS! Elections are going to be held at our next meeting MONDAY MARCH 1st at 5:30. Nominate yourself or your friends via email for any of the positions:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Events Coordinators (3)
  • Project Manager
Don't be shy, even if you are an underclassmen or haven't been as involved as you would have liked to have been in the past, becoming an officer is a great and rewarding experience. You get to help plan and lead the summer and spring Habitat For Humanity trips, FLOPS!, design+build projects, and more. Or you could take the club in an entirely new direction. Elected officers will assume their positions during Spring Quarter, with guidance and assistance from the current officers. Just reply to if you're interested or want to nominate a friend. Any of the current officers would be willing to speak with you about their positions as well!

If you have any questions about participating in events, joining SERVitecture, or any other questions please email

Boston payments

Just a quick update....

Please do not leave cash or checks in Carla's mailbox. If Carla is not available to take your payment in person, either come see me, or leave the items in a sealed envelope in the gray lockbox in the second floor mailroom (on the counter near the printer/fax machine).

GPA Analysis: Scholars v. Honors v. all of KSA

Based on autumn quarter 2009 data, this graph represents average GPA among all KSA Students (in black), KSA Architecture Scholars students only (bright blue), and KSA Honors students only (light blue). All KSA majors are represented in this data.

Hats off to Architecture Scholars students--as a whole, you average Dean's List status.

Need help evaluating your GPA or figuring out what you need to do to bring your GPA up? See this post or make an appointment with Angi to discuss your personal situation.

So, you want to be an architect?

A representative from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in Washington, D.C., will be on hand on Febraury 17 to share information about the necessary process of licensure for architects. If your career plans lead you in this direction, it would be wise to attend.

BX Scholarship Opportunity

Consider applying for the Builders Exchange (BX) Scholarship.

Since 1959, the Builders Exchange Scholarship Program has recognized students who represent the future of the central Ohio commercial construction industry. Eligible students must be enrolled in or be entering a two-year technical program or four-year college program and be in a construction-related field of study.

Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:
• academic achievement
• community and school involvement
• financial need
• relationship of the student’s field of study to the construction industry
• potential future impact of the student on the central Ohio construction community
• quality of the application

Download the application.

Deadline: Feb 26, 2010

Note that the application requires a short essay, official transcript, and a recommendation. Plan ahead so that you have time to order a transcript and to give your recommender timely notice!

Over the years, many KSA students have received funding though this scholarship opportunity.

English 110.01

This spring there will be an Architecture Scholars section of English 110.01. If you don't already have credit for English 110 though AP testing or post-secondary enrollment, then you need to take this course in spring quarter.

English 110.01 (15573)
Monday/Wednesday 1:30-3:18
Locations: Denney Hall and Central Classroom

I tried my best to choose a time that would work well for most students. This time does not conflict with any section of Physics 111 or 112, or Math 117. If you want to enroll in the Architecture Scholars section, you need to contact me in person or via email no later than February 26th.

(Not sure if you have credit for this requirement? In your Student Center, click on the Transfer Credit tab. Here you'll find a listing of your EM (from AP tests) and K (from post-secondary and IB work) credits.

City & Regional Planning Minor - UPDATED

WIth the addition of the new undergraduate degree program in City & Regional Planning (CRP), the CRP minor has also been updated, effective 2/1/2010. The minor consists of a minimum of 24 credit hours.

Students must take the following City and Regional Planning courses:

CRP 310 - Intro to City and Regional Planning
CRP 210 - Intro to City Planning History (previous credit for CRP 643 will count)
CRP 320 - Planning for Housing

The remaining 12 credit hours are to be chosen from the following list of City and Regional Planning courses:

CRP 330 - Planning and Urban Design
CRP 340 - Data Analysis and Forecasting in Planning
CRP 350 - Legal and Institutional Framework for Planning
CRP 394 - Sex and the City
CRP 394A - Designing Communication for Planners
CRP 597 - City Planning in the Contemporary World
CRP 601 - Project and Policy Analysis in Planning
CRP 610 - Planning Communications
CRP 628 - Planning in Columbus

Students may also take any 600 level or 700 level CRP course towards the minor.

Students must take the minor courses for a grade and receive a 2.0 or higher. Minor courses may not double count for courses in a student's major or as GEC requirements. CRP courses used as a minor will not double count as Architecture electives. No more than five hours of independent study may be applied to any minor.

Apply Now to be a Scholars Ambassador

Scholars Ambassador applications are now available online! Current Scholars students who are interested in helping to recruit the best and the brightest should apply. Applications are due Monday, February 15, 2010.

Get the full scoop and learn about the responsibilities of being a Scholars Ambassador.
