Autumn Quarter Grades

By now, all of your autumn quarter grades should be posted.

For first-year students, you may wonder what you need to do from this point forward to either improve or maintain your GPA so that you are a competitive applicant for admission to the architecture and/or landscape architecture major. The good news is that you still have plenty of time to improve or strengthen your GPA during winter and spring quarters.

I created this document to help you see what you need do in winter and spring quarters to build your GPA over the course of this academic year. Check the chart in the document for an approximation of your autumn quarter GPA and read across to see "proposed" winter and spring quarter grades as well how how these "proposed" grades will impact your cumulative GPA as you progress.
Want to calculate your GPA based on your own future quarter grade predictions? Use your Orientation Resource Guide for instructions.

Intramural Basketball

Give yourself a break from winter quarter studio, meet other scholars students across campus, relieve your stress, get a workout, have fun, and represent Architecture Scholars in the All-Scholars intramural league!

These are all reasons to sign up for the winter quarter intramural sport. Each of the 14 scholars programs are responsible for fielding a team. The Architecture Scholars team can have up to 16 players (at least two females need to be on the court during a game). Games will be played on Sundays at 6:30pm.

Post here or rmail Angi to volunteer as a captain or to join the team.

Istanbul Fee Payment

If you've checked your statement of account, you'll notice that the Istanbul program fee is listed as due 12/24. This is correct as this date was indicated in your acceptance email:

You will be billed by the Office of the University Bursar for your winter quarter 2010 tuition and the OIA Study Abroad Program Fee of $1,885. Your OIA Study Abroad Program fee will cover round-trip international travel, in-country travel, lodging, breakfast daily, field trips, entrance fees, some meals, and international supplementary health insurance.

The Office of International Affairs reserves the right to increase the study abroad program fee if there is a significant variation in the exchange rate at the time of payment to the host institution or vendor and/or the actual airfare exceeds the estimated amount when ticketing occurs.
Your study abroad program fee payment is due to the Office of the University Bursar by 10 calendar days before the first day of winter quarter. Please make sure to pay this charge by the due date, so that you are not charged late fees.

I was in error when I told you that the fee was due at the beginning of the quarter. I am checking into any late fees that may occur and will post once I know more.

Architecture Scholars Student Leadership Team Wants YOU

what. Architecture Scholars Student Leadership Team
who. any Architecture Scholars student is eligible to apply (must be enrolled though AU10 or beyond)
why. help shape the direction of Architecture Scholars, plan travel and other events, gain leadership skills
how. apply now, applications are due December 18
term of service. one year (January to December 2010)

This is a great opportunity! Questions? Contact Angi at

Holiday Reading?

Planetizen announced its ninth annual list of the ten best books on urban planning, design and development. This year, Planetizen based its list on ” a number of criteria, including editorial reviews, popularity, Planetizen reader nominations, number of references, sales figures, recommendations from experts and the book’s potential impact on the urban planning, development and design professions.”

Planetizen’s top ten books include:
  • “The Bicycle Diaries,” David Byrne (former lead singer of The Talking Heads, and now solo artist). Viking Press
  • “The Smart Growth Manual,” Andrés Duany, Jeff Speck and Mike Lydon. McGrawHill Professional
  • “Wrestling With Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took On New York’s Master Builder and Transformed the American City,” Anthony Flint. Random House
  • “On Private Property: Finding Common Ground on the Ownership of Land,” Eric Freyfogle. Beacon Press
  • “Building Up and Tearing Down: Reflections on the Age of Architecture,” Paul Goldberger. The Monacelli Press
  • “The Architecture of Community,” Léon Krier. Island Press
  • “The BLDGBLOG Book,” Geoff Manaugh (writer of the well-known BLDGBLOG). Chronicle Books
  • “Paris Underground: The Maps, Stations and Design of the Métro,” Mark Ovenden. Penguin
  • “Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less are the Keys to Sustainability,” David Owen. Riverhead Books (also, read “Urban is Good,” a New York Times review of this book).
  • “Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City,” Eric W. Sanderson. Abrams Books (also, read ”Island in the Stream,” a New York Times review of this book).  
Read details on each book at Planetizen’s top ten books list.

For more information, visit The Dirt and Planetizen

No Impact Man

The Humanities Institute will be showing the film, “No Impact Man,” on Wednesday, December 9 at 6:00pm. The Humanities Institute is located at 104 East 15th Avenue. All scholars students are welcome to attend the showing of the film and stay for a short discussion immediately to follow. Please contact Ben Fortman at if you have any questions.

Here is a short synopsis of the film:

Colin Beavan decides to completely eliminate his personal impact on the environment for the next year. It means eating vegetarian, buying only local food, and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no elevators, no television, no cars, busses, or airplanes, no toxic cleaning products, no electricity, no material consumption, and no garbage. No problem – at least for Colin – but he and his family live in Manhattan. So when his espresso-guzzling, retail-worshipping wife Michelle and their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the fray, the No Impact Project has an unforeseen impact of its own. Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein's film provides an intriguing inside look into the experiment that became a national fascination and media sensation, while examining the familial strains and strengthened bonds that result from Colin and Michelle’s struggle with their radical lifestyle change.

You can view the trailer here:

Anyone can participate in the experiment:

Digital Sandbox

Now that you have a little bit of experience with Photoshop, you might be intersted in practicing those skills or expanding your knowledge during winter quarter.

As of winter quarter, the Media, Marketing and Communication Scholars are opening up their free digital media project groups to all Scholars students! The Digital Sandbox is an opportunity for any scholar student interested in learning basic digital skills (web, video, graphics). No experience is necessary. Group times are listed on the MMC website: The project groups take place for 1 hour/week at Nosker House. You must sign up on our website prior to attending the first project group.

Snow Tubing, January 8

12/15 UPDATE: I've just learned that Friday, January 8 is also the date of COSI After Dark, a free event at COSI for Ohio State students. Read more about this event here: If you'd like to attend the COSI event, we can reschedule snow tubing to another evening in winter quarter. Thoughts?

I was glad to hear from so many of you about your interest in snow tubing as a winter quarter social activity. We have a group reservation for Friday, January 8. We'll depart campus around 6:15pm and head to Mad River Mountain (about 45 minutes from Columbus) for an evening of fun and tubing in their Avalanche Tubing Park. There will be some nominal costs to each student ($10-12/each) to help cover transportation and admission.

Supply List for Studio

This is the beginning of a supply list for Arch 202/Larch 151. There will be other supplies necessary as well, but these are all things you can easily find over winter break in your hometowns.

1 Sketchbook
1 Lead-holder with pencil leads (at least 1 set HB, I set 2H, and 1 set 4H)
1 Lead sharpener
1 Roll 12” trace paper (white)
1 Roll 24” Vellum
2 Erasers
1 Eraser Shield
1 OLFA Knife (small) or Exacto knife with spare blades
1 OLFA knife (large) or Utility knife with spare blades
1 Cutting mat as large as you can store (minimum 12x18)
1 T-Square
1 Steel ruler (24”)
1 45- degree triangle
1 60-degree triangle

All-Scholars Intramurals: Co-ed Basketball

The winter quarter sport for the All-Scholars Intramural League is basketball. Games will be played on Sundays at 6:30pm at either the RPAC or the ARC.

Needed: Team Captain and participants.

Post here or email Angi if interested.